food preservation methods is a very comforting feeling having the pantry and freezer full of food! Here you will find many traditional and modern methods discussed on keeping and storing foods from canning and drying to freezing and pickling and even salting and smoking! Read on to find out more than 16+ food preservation methods for Your Family!

Table of Contents
food preservation methods
Take advantage and learn different methods for storing Extra Food from the garden or grocery……. having a supply of food on hand for your family is a must!!!
Food is an essential element for every life form……food production, supply, transport and food preservation has always been at the top of the list for every generation.
We never know when we might need an extra supply so make sure to learn about common ways to store food and stock up when you can…….
Here are 16+ different food preservation methods. I have done the research for you and have put together a list from some of the best sources.
The List includes: food preservation methods
- Canning
- Freezing Vegetables
- Freezing Fruits & Berries
- Dehydrating Fruits & Vegetables
- Root Cellars
- Winter Storage for Baby Garden Carrots in the Refrigerator
- Wintering Over Hardy Garden Crops
- Pickling
- Making Jams & Jellies
- Salting Meats
- Smoking Meats
- Fermentation and Fermenting
- Milk Kefir
- Water Kefir
- Jerky
- Breakfast Sausage
1. Canning is a wonderful food preservation methods:
Canning is an excellent way to preserve your summer bounty! Fruits, jams and jellies can all be successfully home processed and canned.
Most fruits and tomatoes can be processed with the water bath method of canning. Just make sure to follow all the recommended canning procedures for your climate and area.
Altitude plays a huge role in canning safety due to the boiling temperature of water at the various elevations. THIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT.
Vegetables and Meats must be processed in a Pressure Canner. Due to the low acidity of these foods pressuring canning is a must.
Pressure canning gauges can be pressure tested at your local county extension office to make sure they are gauged correctly.
The Extension Office will have all the latest safety requirements for your geographic area. They will help you with questions like how long does home canned food last and
Take a look at these canning essentials: from ProNano
2. Freezing vegetables is so convenient + freezing helps retain valuable nutrients. food preservation methods
Freezing is such a wonderful way to preserve food. This method is quick and easy. Just remember to check your freezing guide as most vegetables will need to be quickly blanched to stop the enzyme action prior to freezing.
Blanching helps the vegetables retain crispness and vibrant color even when frozen. Freezing is one of the simplest ways to start your journey in food preservation.
There is information circulating on freezing vegetables without proper blanching. I tried this with my garden broccoli.
I found the un-blanched broccoli to be dull in color and tough so I highly recommend you blanch when it is recommended.
3. Freezing Fruits and Berries is a super quick way to save the summer harvest for year round enjoyment!
Now, fruits on the other hand, do not typically need to be blanched. I freeze all my tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, as is, without blanching.
4. Dehydrating Fruits & Vegetable is an age old art of food preservation methods. Take a look at the marvelous ideas here:
Dehydrating food is relatively easy and very safe. I have successfully dehydrated apples, bananas, strawberries, cucumbers and tomatoes.
You should consider investing in a good food dehydrator as dehydrated food retain up to 98% of their nutrition.
5. Root Cellars are making a huge comeback; learn about storing potatoes, pumpkins, squash and more:
Storing vegetables in a root cellar is so convenint. From pumpkins and squash to potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic…..Root cellaring is the way to go!!!
Storing carrots is for people that live in harsher climates where carrots cannot be left in the garden to winter over.
We live in Wyoming at approximately 7000 feet and must pull all our garden carrots and potatoes in September or October.
If your frost-line goes down more than 1 inch, then nothing is safe to be left in the garden so you be careful on how you store your garden carrots.
6. Simply store carrots in the Refrigerator all winter long:
I always end up with lots of little fingerlings when I do not thin them at the appropriate times.
We have so many that I never really knew what to do with them…….that is, until last fall. If you do not have extra refrigerator space then try canning or freezing or dehydrating your extra carrots.
7. Storing vegetables in the ground is called “wintering over”…..learn how here:
Storing your root crops and hardier vegetables in the ground can be such a wonderful convenience if you live in an area where the frostline will not affect them.
Root crops such as potatoes, carrots, rutabagas, turnips, parsnips and then cabbages, kale, spinach, and some leaf lettuces can all stay in the ground with proper protection.
Consider this as one of the great food preservation methods.
8. Pickling is a standard from of food storage:
So many foods can be pickled. Cucumbers come to mind as one the most prized pickled foods. They are actually the pickled food as PICKLES!!!
9. Jams and Jellies are a perfect way to preserve the summer abundance of berries & fruit!
Jams and Jellies are such a treat during the long winter months. This is a great method of food preservation.
The bright fresh colors and sweet taste can brighten any biscuit, some type of hardtack cracker, roll or bread!!!
10. Salting Food was an ancient practice with a modern application today!
must have had some knowledge of food preservation, and the use of salt as a preservative. Salt
may have been traded between several coastal sites for this
11. Smoking is another age old practice of preserving meat.
Smoked ham, salmon and sausages come to mind when we think of about smoking meats. Here is an interesting method on preserving foods. This is a perfect example of how to preserve foods without refrigeration.
12. Fermenting Foods is another age old practice for preserving foods:
Probiotic Rich fermented foods have been around for centuries and was a common way to preserve foods in the past.
These foods used to be stored in stoneware crocks but there are many new modern ways of fermenting food that are easier while still retaining the probiotic benefits.
13. Learn to Make Milk Kefir using live kefir grains for a Probiotic Rich Drink
Milk kefir is a wonder drink; it is full of healthy probiotics that aid in digestion as well as aid in building a healthy immune system.
Fermentation is one of the most beneficial and healthy food preservation methods.
Many lactose intolerant people can drink milk kefir because the bacteria in the kefir has predigested the lactose in the milk.
Learn to Make Homemade Milk Kefir…..These healthy bacteria also prevent unhealthy bacteria from growing in the milk.
14. Water Kefir is a non-dairy Probiotic rich drink made with live Water Kefir Grains
Probiotics aid in digestive health as well as in immune system health. Water kefir is so simple to make and so good for you.
There are just three ingredients of water, sugar and kefir grains to get you started on your way to making this delicious drink.
The first thing you must do is get your kefir grains; these grains are not like your typical wheat, oats or barley grains.
16. Dog Treats as a food preservation methods
Here is the extra idea for food storage. Homemade Dog Biscuits.…or you can make treats for your horses, goats, cats, chickens, etc……
Homemade Omega Rich Dog Biscuits
As you discover the interesting and beneficial methods of food preservation, consider how you can add some of these food items into your pantry and diet!!!
Consult the Pronano team for ways to preserve your products